
How to get your dog house-trained fast: 3 proven methods worth trying

Buzgó Csilla

2020. July 6 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

It is an adventurous challenge to train an inexperienced little one or an adult untrained dog, but we will help the procedure to end with a sense of success for both of you.


An average puppy reaches the level of physical and mental development at around three months of age, when it can regulate the functioning of its sphincters and bladder. Then it is ideal for you to start the education process, the two main pillars of which are patience and consistency.

It is worth choosing the method that fits perfectly into your daily schedule, so that you can regularly ensure its practice for your pet without interruption.

Cage method

The disadvantage of this is that it requires constant supervision, but according to experts, it is extremely effective. Get your little one a mobile kennel, cage or carrier that is just the right size to comfortably stand up and turn around. To be safe, let him out every hour to half an hour so that he can relieve himself. Maybe he will indicate this intention to you, considering that the dog does not like to defecate where he will lie down later. When he has successfully peed or pooped outdoors, praise him a lot.

The disadvantage of this method is that those puppies who were locked up for a long time, or lived in a fenced area or cage, were probably forced to defecate regularly, so this solution does not stop them from doing their work in their temporary residence.

Diaper or litter method

It is useful for those new owners who cannot handle the 24-hour supervision of the dog in the long term, they would spend at most a weekend or a few days to educate them on potty training. With this method, it is particularly important to focus on the timing of the meal, because the puppy wants to relieve itself within a relatively short time after eating and drinking.

Constantly watch, watch his every move, and as soon as you notice that he is preparing to squat, quickly put him on the dog diaper or in the litter box. After a successful occasion, shower him with praise, snacks, and petting.

It is very important that after the occasional accidents, you do not scold him, do not push his nose into the product, and do not embarrass him, because this will lead nowhere, he will be confused by your reaction.

Training adult dogs

You will have an easier time with an older dog, because he at least has the physical conditions to last a relatively long time without peeing. If you catch him doing his thing in the room, a firm “No!” or, accompanied by loud applause, take him immediately to the point where you want him to get used to. Or even better, if you have time, immediately take him outside. Reward desirable behavior with praise and treats.

Common mistakes during house-training

Irregular feeding

In this case, 2 or 3 meals a day are best for the puppy. Do not feed him late at night, and always take him out for a walk or let him out of the cage before you “lay him down to sleep”. Once he’s had all his vaccinations and can go outside, you can speed up the process by taking him for a walk after waking up in the morning and not going home until he’s done his chores. When they have arrived, breakfast can come, so it nicely connects the process: waking up, walking, pee and poop, food.


If the pup lets himself go inside the apartment and you rebuke him for it, he will associate that it is not a good idea for him to pee or poop in front of you, and this will also make it difficult for him to go to the toilet outside.

Unrealistic expectations

A six-month-old dog can hold back its needs for a maximum of 6 hours, an even younger animal doesn’t need that much to compose itself. So make sure to include regular walks!

Improper use of cleaning products

Ammonia-based chemicals only tempt your pet to pee again in the place of cleaning. Choose enzyme-based cleaning products that leave a neutral aftertaste for dogs.

Education habituation house training Potty train puppies Training

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