
By accessing, you agree to the following terms and conditions, even if you are not a registered user or subscriber of any of the services of the system:

1./ The content of the website (hereinafter referred to as the ” Website“) is the property of Goood boy Kft. and is protected by copyright in its entirety, including all advertising and publicity.

Goood boy Ltd. has the exclusive right under copyright law to make any use of the whole or any identifiable part of the website in any material or non-material form and to authorise each and every use. Use includes in particular reproduction (recording and copying by any means), distribution, communication to the public, adaptation.

The Goood boy Ltd. without prior written permission, the use of all or part of the website (text, graphics, photographs, audio or video material, data structure, structure, procedures, programs, etc.) in any way is prohibited. In particular, but not limited to Goood boy Kft. without prior written permission to mirror, i.e. to rebroadcast to the public by any technical means, even in an unaltered form, any part of the website or to cut out any part of the website and rebroadcast the truncated part to the public by any means.

The domain name is protected by law, is a registered trademark and may be used – with the exception of the link – only by Goood boy Kft. with your prior and express written consent.

The Goood boy Ltd. endeavours to provide accurate and reliable information, but accepts no liability for any damages arising from the information provided.

2./ Possibilities to legally transfer content:

2.1./ Cases of fair use

2.1.1./ A natural person may make copies (save them on his/her hard disk or print them out) of parts of the content of the website for his/her own use only, provided that this does not indirectly serve the purpose of earning or increasing his/her income, but in this case he/she is not entitled to further use the reproduced part of the website, in particular to distribute, store it in a database, make it available for downloading or commercially market it.

2.1.2./ A link to articles on the website may be freely placed on other websites, however, for the publication of any part of the article shown, Goood boy Kft. your prior written consent is required. The article shown can be accessed via a clickable hyperlink on the website. The reference can be a text or graphical link.

2.2./ Duplication with written authorisation

The use of any article, content, photo or graphic on the website, other than in the cases not mentioned in section 2.1./ above, is only possible with the written permission of Goood boy Ltd. and for a separate fee. The rate of remuneration for Goood boy Ltd can be found here. The Goood boy Ltd. waives its claim to remuneration only by a separate express written declaration to that effect, in the absence of such a declaration Goood boy Kft. is entitled to remuneration.

3./ The Goood boy Ltd. the legal consequences of unauthorised use of your copyright work

The Goood boy Ltd. copyrighted work without prior written permission from the user to Goood boy Kft. is entitled to pursue all civil and criminal claims against the infringer for infringement of its copyright.

Among the civil law remedies available to Goood boy Ltd. you can claim

a./ a judicial finding that the infringement has occurred;
b./ the cessation of the infringement or of the acts directly threatening to infringe it and the prohibition of the infringer from further infringement;
c./ that the infringer provide satisfaction, by declaration or other appropriate means, and that, if necessary, adequate publicity be given to the satisfaction by and at the expense of the infringer;
d./ the infringer to provide information about the parties involved in the production, distribution or performance of the infringing goods or services, and about the business relationships established for the infringing use;
e./ the recovery of the enrichment obtained by the infringement;
f./ the cessation of the injurious situation, the restoration of the situation prior to the infringement, and the seizure, transfer to a specified person, recall from the market, permanent removal from the market or destruction of the means and materials used exclusively or principally for the infringement and of the things obtained by the infringement;
g./ compensation for damages under the rules of civil liability.

The infringer is Goood boy Ltd. by unauthorized use of its copyrighted work, expressly agrees and acknowledges that Goood boy Kft. is entitled to claim damages of at least twice the amount of the remuneration for the fair use of his copyright work.

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