
Spring dangers: these plants are poisonous to your dog

László Enikő

2024. March 31 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Each season has its dangers. In spring, plants take centre stage, filling gardens, homes and parks with beautiful and sometimes dangerous flowers. Here is what to look out for.


Some plants can be very dangerous to your dog. That’s why it makes sense to not plant them in the garden or if you already have one, fence it off from your pet. And if possible, put flowers and ornamental plants in a room where the dog can’t reach them. On the one hand, they can be toxic to them, on the other hand, they can push them and the pot can cause them injury. Here are some plants that your dog should avoid coming into close contact with.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a true wonder plant that can be found in many households. Not only aesthetically pleasing, but it is also known to have many beneficial effects. It can be used to treat wounds, reduce inflammation, treat skin problems and boost the immune system. However, for dogs, eating the juicy leaves may cause diarrhoea or vomiting. This is because the natural compounds it contains have a laxative effect. Symptoms can occur after consuming only a very small amount.


Oleander is a common plant in gardens. However, it is worth being careful because all parts of it are highly toxic. Once in the body, it can cause sudden cardiac arrest, nervous system paralysis or heart failure.

Lily of the Valley

The lily of the valley is known to be an extremely dangerous poisonous plant. Unfortunately, you don’t need to consume much of it to cause death. Small amounts cause slow heartbeat and diarrhoea.


One of the most popular flowers of spring is the tulip. All parts are poisonous but mostly the bulb. So you need to make sure your pet doesn’t dig it up the freshly planted bulbs. Typical symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea and drooling.


The bulb of this also popular spring flower is poisonous. Ingestion causes vomiting, diarrhoea and tremors. More severe cases  can cause arrhythmia and even death.

The yellow flower is a favourite for many, but it is a very poisonous plant.


Kalanchoe plants are very popular houseplant, and there are many varieties known. Ingesting them can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and even heart rhythm disturbances.


There are many varieties of lily, so that there are both less and more poisonous varieties. While the peruvian lily or the peace lily only causes vomiting, diarrhoea and drooling, the daylily or the Easter lily can even kill your pet by causing liver failure. Just to be sure, don’t let your dog near any lilies.

Lilies are among the most poisinous plants.


It is usually only found outdoors, but it’s worth being careful. It can cause diarrhoea and bloody vomit, but in severe cases the dog may even die from the poisoning.


The popular evergreen known to be dangerous, poisonous. After chewing its branches, dizziness may occur, followed by convulsions. In severe cases, the animal may die of heart failure.


Ivy is found in cities, parks, gardens, almost everywhere. However, it is worth knowing that they are toxic to dogs. Consumption causes vomiting, diarrhoea and digestive problems, often accompanied by drooling and stomach pain.

Golden chain tree

The golden chain tree is a popular plant thanks to its beautiful flowers. Howwever, eating any part of it is extremely toxic to dogs. This usually manifests itself as vomiting, diarrhoea, dilated pupils and often shaking. Large amounts can even cause a heart attack or respiratory arrest.


The most poisonous parts are its flowers and fruits. After consumption the dog becomes confused, circling, vomiting and diarrhoea may also occur. In severe cases, the dog may collapse and even die. Black locust is also very dangerous. If ingested, it can cause vomiting, bloody diarrhoea, difficulty breathing and death if consumed in large quantities.

Other poisonous plants your dog should avoid:

  • Holly,
  • Azalea,
  • Chrysanthemum,
  • Foxglove,
  • Palms,
  • Tomato stems and leaves,
  • Juniper,
  • Lupine,
  • Cotoneaaster,
  • Crocus,
  • Cyclamen,
  • Amarilysis

Although it is relatively rare for dogs to fall victim to plant poisoning, it is worth noticing the signs early. If your pet is vomiting, having diarrhoea, lethargic, drooling, has a loss of appetite or has difficulty breathing, take them to your vet.

diarrhoea dog poisoning dog poisoning symptoms poisoning poisonous plants spring dangers vomiting

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