
First police corgi in service (video)

Hangai Lilla

2024. May 3 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

When you think of a police dog, it's not a corgi that pops into your mind's eye. But Fuzai has disproved all preconceptions and proved that you don't need long legs or a slim body to be good at what you do.


The six-month-old,
corgi police dog
made his debut at a police camp open day in Weifang, China.

This is how Fuzai, the Corgi police dog, was trained

Immediately after the weaning, the little male met his handler, where he showed him what he was made of. He is obedient, has a good hunting instinct, a good appetite, is full of energy and has a high propensity for possession. In other words, it had all the qualities of a police dog. So Fuzai’s owner finally donated the dog to the police, where his career began.

Wang Yanan, the head of the Police Dog Base of the Weifang Public Security Bureau, said that at two months old, Fuzai had already surpassed the performance of many of his peers. As a reserve police dog he began a rigorous training regimewhich included daily morning and afternoon sessions. These included obedience tasks, scent work and explosives detection. Fuzai has always excelled, and was regarded as an outstanding trainee.

In this video, you can see how Fuzai deployed and witness how his training took place:

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Fuzai as a reserve body

It also demonstrated a number of unique strengths, such as remarkable adaptability, low levels of sensitivity, and
unexpected advantage of short legs
. After four months, we found that its small size makes it easy and efficient to search under vehicles, and it also fits into small spaces.

The body is currently in reserve and is undergoing training to prepare it to take up its duties. She has captured many hearts both in her home country and on the international stage, not only because of her sweet looks, but also because of her skills. Or, more correctly, a combination of the two. Some have already offered to do so when he retires,
they would like to adopt

Click here
to read our article on how police dogs are selected in our country.
And here
for information on how bomb-sniffing dogs are trained.

China corgi police dog video welsh corgi pembroke

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