
Manchester Terrier breed: the elegant pest controller

Molnár Enikő

2024. January 30 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

The line of terriers is continued by the Manchester Terrier, who effortlessly captivates anyone with its kindness, appearance, and intelligence. The cunning of hunting dogs and the elegance of racing dogs blend in this breed, allowing everyone to find charming qualities in them.


The Manchester Terrier is one of England’s prides, intended to embody elegance, charm, and intelligence. It got its name from the city of Manchester in England, where the breed was initially developed to control the rat population. With its appearance and charming personality, it has found its way into the hearts of dog-friendly families and individuals.


The roots of the Manchester Terrier trace back to 19th-century England, specifically to the time of the Industrial Revolution. The breed’s ancestors are considered to be the now-extinct Black and Tan Terrier and Whippets. Through selective breeding, this highly trainable and agile breed emerged. The Manchester Terrier aimed to combine the strengths of both breeds, bred for hunting rabbits and combating rats, and it excelled in these roles.

An important part of its ancestral history was the so-called ‘Rat-baiting,’ a sport where dogs were released into a pit filled with rats, and bets were placed on how quickly the dog could eliminate the rodents. One dog that gained notoriety in this sport was named ‘Billy’, who defeated 100 rats in five and a half minutes. This dog was likely a Black and Tan Terrier, believed to be the precursor to today’s Manchester Terriers. The sport was banned in 1835, but due to its popularity, it persisted until the 20th century.

Breed standard

One of the most striking features of the Manchester Terrier is its shiny and gleaming black coat with mahogany-red markings, tightly adhering to its compact and muscular frame. It has an uplifted abdomen, a rectangular-shaped torso, and a tail that is not too long, tapering, and slightly raised in position. It boasts an elongated head, dark brown eyes, and V-shaped ears.

The breed is categorized based on size into Standard Manchester Terriers and Toy Manchester Terriers. Standard Manchester Terriers typically have a height of about 37-40 cm, weigh a maximum of 10 kg, and have mostly drooping ears. On the other hand, Toy Manchester Terriers are smaller, with a height of approximately 25-30 cm, a maximum weight of 5.5 kg, and their ears must be erect.

Despite the differences in size, both types share the same breed characteristics. However, the British Kennel Club keeps them separate in their records.


The Manchester Terrier relies not only on its appearance but also on its intelligence. This breed is hungry for challenges, demonstrating sharp wit and a willingness to learn quickly. As a result, it excels in various canine sports and training settings. Positive, reward-based methods work well with them, and keeping learning sessions short but interesting is ideal.

A true problem solver, the Manchester Terrier can channel its accumulated energy through interactive games and exciting puzzles, preventing mischievous behavior born out of boredom. In addition to this, it is a devoted and loyal companion, forming a close bond with its family. However, early socialization is crucial for ensuring good interactions with other dogs.

Ideal environment

They are devoted to their family and generally get along well with children. Of course, interactions should be supervised, and children should be taught how to treat a dog. Manchester Terriers are relatively patient, but not endlessly so, so it’s important to observe their reactions. If kept indoors, be aware that they can be barky and active.

Despite their small size, Manchester Terriers are extremely energetic dogs, requiring regular exercise. Daily walks, playtime, and interactive activities help meet their physical and mental needs. If they have access to a yard, it’s essential to have a ‘dog-proof’ fence in place to ensure their safety.

Manchester Terriers can also be calm when their energies have been released.


They don’t require much grooming, and their coat doesn’t need to be brushed daily. Occasional baths help keep their coat and skin healthy. Nail maintenance is crucial due to the positioning of their joints. Like with all dogs, it’s important to regularly check the dental health of Manchester Terriers.

Common health problems

With proper care, Manchester Terriers can live for more than 15 years. They are generally robust and healthy, but certain conditions can affect individuals of the breed, such as von Willebrand disease, cardiomyopathy, some eye issues, and patellar luxation, similar to other small-sized dogs. Regular veterinary check-ups, balanced nutrition, and consistent, cautious exercise are crucial for maintaining their health.

If you’re interested in terriers, get to know the Black Russian Terrier as well in THIS article.

(Literature: János Szinák – István Veress: Dogs of the World II.)

hunting dogs terriers

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