
Summer cooling: is air conditioning or a fan good for your dog’s health?

Ferenczi Deborah

2024. May 22 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

In hot weather, almost every pet owner thinks of cooling their pet with a fan or perhaps air conditioning. But is it healthy for the animal? This is the question we are trying to answer below.


Fortunately, the risks from air conditioning are minimal for pets. In fact, it can be a huge advantage to ensure a generally comfortable temperature in the home at all times. However, it is very important that you never cool your home radically compared to the air outside. Because if you go out into the heat afterwards, the animal may even get sick and develop, for example, an ear infection.

Why is air conditioning useful?

By using it, your puppy will not get hot in the heat when you are away, but will be able to rest at a generally comfortable temperature all the time. However, many people are still wary of air conditioning, believing that the temperature change will harm their dog. But there is no risk if there is no more than ten degrees difference between the inside and outside temperatures. Just think how much your pet would suffer in a stuffy, humid room until you get home to ventilate.

What to keep in mind when buying an air conditioning system?

Air conditioning is most effective when it is set to the optimum temperature for your home and stays at that temperature throughout the day. Humidity can be just as uncomfortable for pets as heat. Fortunately, many air conditioners have filters to help dehumidify and purify the air.
It is also essential that your dog has access to water at all times, especially when temperatures rise. It’s important that, even if the air conditioning is on all the time, you don’t leave your pet alone for too long. Also ensure that the animal does not have access to the equipment or its accessories. If there is a remote control, do not leave it within reach.

What about the fan?

It can also help if the air does not go directly on your dog in the heat, as this can cause ear infections. As with humans, your four-legged friend may be sensitive to it or get sick from it. In this case, be sure to turn it off and stop forcing this form of cooling. Never leave your dog unattended near a fan, as it could easily have an accident, knock the device over, or become fearful of it without your safe presence.

Whatever cooling option you choose, try to use as little electricity as possible. Don’t overcool the house, so you can protect the environment and your pet’s health at the same time. If you use neither air conditioning nor a fan, it is recommended to find other ways to protect your dog from heat stroke.

air conditioning cooling your dog dog heatstroke fan heat heatwave

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