
10 common misconceptions about dogs: from calculating dog years to eating grass

Szénási Szimonetta

2023. October 22 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

There are many myths about dogs in the public mind, some of which are completely untrue and others are only half-truths. Let's take a look at the most common ones!


The following 10 misconceptions about dogs are not only frequently heard, but also cause many people to misunderstand their pet or develop a bad opinion about a particular breed. We would like to clear up these misunderstandings and misconceptions below.

1.) One human year is equivalent to 7 dog years

A surprising number of people calculate the “real” age of their dog using the above multiplication standard. But the only thing that is true is that dogs age faster than people. However, there is no formula that tells you exactly how many human years your dog’s age is.

Much more depends on the breed, size and lifestyle of the animal, how long it will live. It is certain that dogs can be considered adults from the age of 2, and old from the age of 9.

2.) They only see in black and white

It has been scientifically proven that dogs also see the world in color – just not in the same way as humans. For example, they can easily distinguish blue and yellow, but warm tones such as red or pink are more problematic for them.

3.) Dry nose indicates illness

Owners can easily panic when their pet’s nose dries out. Many people immediately suspect a fever. The basis of this reaction is the belief that a dog with a dry nose is sick. However, there are many reasons why your dog’s nose is not wet: it can dry out from the heat, or even during sleep, just as a person’s mouth use to when they sleep with their mouth open.

You only need to worry if other symptoms accompany the dry nose, such as blood, discharge, sores or swelling.

4.) Eating grass as a cleansing cure

Also, many people believe that dogs eat grass to clear their stomachs. This is partially true, but not all dogs vomit from the grass they eat. There are times when they “graze” just for the sake of taste, or they want to get more fiber.

5.) Spaying before giving birth for the first time? Yes!

Many people still believe that a bitch should only be spayed if she has already given birth at least once. There is no health reason for this! In addition, with timely neutering, you can not only prevent unwanted reproduction, but you can also protect your dog from the development of cysts and tumors.

6.) There are no born aggressors

Some dog breeds have been recognized by the public as aggressive dogs. For this reason, many people are unfoundedly afraid of them. Even among the “fighting” dogs, there are also some with a gentle nature.

The fact that one breed is more dangerous than others according to its strength, body structure and accident statistics is a fact. Despite this, smaller dogs can also cause serious injuries, so you should not be prejudiced in this area either!

In addition, it should not be forgotten that a dog’s behavior depends largely on who raises it. A strong, large dog in the wrong hands can become really dangerous. But it’s not the animal’s fault, but the owner’s!

7.) The gag does not exist

It is also not true that some dog breeds get a “mouth lock” when they bite, i.e. they are unable to open their jaws. In fact, it is because these animals have strong muscles, so their bite is also strong.

8.) Saliva as medicine

Dogs would lick their wounds so that they would heal faster is only partially true. This actually cleans the wound, but excessive licking will do the exact opposite: the wound will become wet and will heal more slowly. It is precisely to prevent this that they are given the much-hated collar after a medical intervention.

If you find that your animal compulsively licks a wound, be on the lookout, it may have a granuloma. Show it to the vet as soon as possible!

9.) Don’t overdo the hugging!

Another misconception about dogs is that they love to be hugged! This is not true at all: most of them experience it as a limitation of their personal freedom of movement. No matter how much you want to express your love this way, don’t! Rather, stroke its belly or scratch the base of its ears. If you want to make your pet happy, it probably won’t say no to playing together, but it’ll also say no to excessive cuddling.

10.) Dogs’ mouths are cleaner than humans’

Absolutely false! Just because it’s dewormed doesn’t mean your dog’s mouth is clean, especially cleaner than yours. In addition to parasites, there are many other bacteria in the dog’s mouth that may not be a good idea to come in contact with. Just think about how many strange, often disgusting things they smell and eat on the street or in the garden.

aggressive dog dog human relationship dog misconceptions Dog Training dog vision dog's mouth Education licking Life misconceptions myth neutering old dog time of neutering vision when to spay

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