
You’re wrong if you think fleas disappear during winter: here’s how to spot them

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. February 3 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Flea control is not seasonal, and early detection of an infestation protects against serious consequences.


You might think that a flea on a dog is an instant eye-catcher – but it’s not that easy to spot! And treating a problem that is detected too late is much more complicated than getting rid of it in time.

It may look like dirt

Flea droppings, colloquially known as “flea dirt”, often appear on the dog as if it was just some dirt. Because of this, the you may not recognise it in time and only notice the parasites when they have multiplied on the pet.

Tiny black “dirt” should always be a warning sign for you. This substance, made up of blood meal and flea faeces, is a clear indication that there is a problem.

The flea is rarely seen on the dog, but its traces are telltale.

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There are some typical places where fleas prefer to roost, so it is recommended that you check these regularly. Accordning to Dr Stephanie Howe of PetMD, these are the back of the hind legs, the area around the tail, the back part of the animal’s body and the neck. These are the spots worth examining for black spots on the dog’s fur or skin.

It’s best to run a special flea comb over the dog’s body, in the opposite direction to the hair growth. Your pet visibly scratching or biting theselves a lot could be a warning sign. In many cases you will also find scars.

Check your pet regularly!

As fleas are almost invisible to the naked eye below a certain size and move very quickly afterwards, you may not even see the parasite itself. But where there is droppings, there are fleas! Dirt removal is also important because it provides food for flea larvae. Which leads to faster reproduction.

Serious health consequences

In addition to irritation, fleas can cause allergies, anaemia and a number of infections. Including tapeworm disease, which is dangerous to humans as well. In severe cases, untreated flea infestation can lead to the death of the animal.

Fleas multiply on dogs and in the home

The other problem is that fleas multiply very quickly in the home, which is terribly difficult to eradicate.

So if your pet has fleas, it’s not enough to treat them, you’ll also need to wash the fabrics they came into contact with and put more emphasis on cleaning. Frequent vacuuming is essential, and the dust bag should be emptied every time. Mopping and thorough wiping will also help to solve the issue.

Since fleas bite you too, you should change your own bedding more often while the dog is still infested.

Fleas could be anywhere – not just your dog

How to treat the issue

According to experts, the best way to prevent fleas is to bathe with special flea products. There are also a variety of sprays, spot-on drops and tablets. Check with your vet which one they recommend.

As the life cycle of fleas is about three months, you need to be on the lookout for longer!

It is very important that if you have both a cat and a dog, you buy treatment for both of them. Products developed for dogs can be lethal to cats, so it is strictly forbidden to use them interchangeably!

As well as treating the infection, you should continue to focus on prevention throughout the year. It is a misconception that these tiny parasites cannot be found in the cold.

against fleas allergies flea flea in winter tapeworm

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