Did your pet leave an unexpected “stain”? 5 tips to get rid of the smell of dog pee from your furniture

2023. October 27 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary
2023. October 27 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary
The following practices will help you get rid of the smell of dog pee from furniture and other textiles without a trace.
If your pet has peed on your beloved sofa or in the middle of the carpet, urine soaked into the fabric can be a real nose-sore. So you don’t have to replace your furniture, we’ve got a few tricks to help you get rid of the smell of the dog pee.
With a puppy, an accident or two is almost inevitable. And tiny dogs often pee on of the furnitures. Older dogs may also urinate in the house, but this may be due to a psychological, health or training problem.
First, let’s take a look at what you can do if you have a yellow stain on your carpet!
First, remove as much urine as possible from the furniture! It’s best to use a dry paper towel or a strong absorbent cloth. Once you’ve only noticed the dried stain, it’s important not to start rubbing it with dry paper or a cloth, as you’ll just get it more into the furniture!
You will then need to repeat the rinse several times to remove all the ‘molecules’ from the fabric. Be really thorough, otherwise your dog may return to his toilet of choice again and again. (Remember, his nose can smell what yours can’t, so a drop of pee will encourage him to pee again!)
Cleaning and deodorising are the two main aspects of cleaning, and you can use a variety of things to do this.
You may have come across the name hydrogen peroxide at the hairdresser’s, because
this highly oxidizing compound is also used to bleach hair. It is also an ingredient in many cleaning products and cosmetics. It is very important to note that it is forbidden to work with it without gloves, because it can cause injuries! It’s also important to use it only on light fabrics, as it can pick out the colour of dark or coloured fabrics!
If you want to erase your pet’s sin marks, there are two ways to do it. One is to mix one part hydrogen peroxide with one part plain tap water. This mixture is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the stain. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water. The best way to do this is to use a towel to wipe the marks several times.
The other option is to replace hydrogen peroxide with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). This works well on old, already dry stains. A mixture of 2-2 tablespoons of these and 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid is great for neutralising odours and leaving the fabric nice and clean. Be careful, as the substances may react, so mix in a deeper container until you get a homogeneous mixture. Apply the resulting “paste” to the stain and leave for an hour. Then wipe with dry paper and then with a damp cloth.
The aforementioned baking soda works on its own. This alkaline substance also has a fungicidal effect. But make sure that baking soda can be toxic to your dog so use it only where your four-legged friend cannot come into contact with it!
It can also be used in two ways: one is to apply it dry on the stain and leave it overnight. In the morning, simply vacuum the surface. The other option is to mix it with vinegar (add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to 150 ml of vinegar). The solution should be left on the pee stain for half an hour, then soaked up with a dry and then a wet cloth.
As it can cause discolouration on both fabrics and wood, it is worth testing in a small, inconspicuous area first for both applications!
Vinegar is a popular natural cleaning agent because of its disinfectant properties. It also has a strong smell that takes away the smell of ammonia, but once it evaporates, it won’t make your fabric smell! It can be used for both fresh and older urine stains, but the latter should not be rubbed, as they will only get deeper into the material!
As a deodorizer, it is very simple to use: mix one part vinegar with one part warm water and spray it on the surface for 20 minutes. The spot should then be watered and dried.
You should know that vinegar also eliminates the “dog smell”, which is why it is often
to the dog bathing is also added to dog baths. In addition, some experience has shown that it also keeps ticks away. However, be very careful not to get any concentrate on the skin, eyes or mucous membranes of the animal! Always add it to the shampoo in a separate bowl if you want to try this method.
As well as being natural, lemon is not at all risky for your pet, so it’s safe to use it around them! In addition to neutralising bad odours, it is also antibacterial and antifungal.
Because the smell of citrus is alarming to most dogs, so it is a good choice. Mix 100 ml lemon juice with 50 ml water and spray on the stain. It’s even more effective if you add 2 tablespoons of baking soda, but as mentioned above, this can be dangerous for the dog, so use it away from him! Whichever mixture you choose, leave on for half an hour and then wipe the area with a damp cloth. If necessary, repeat the process until the area is completely odourless!
There are a number of environmentally friendly cleaning products available in the shops which, thanks to the enzymes they contain, eliminate bad odours and are also great cleaners.
Once you’ve removed the stain, make sure your dog doesn’t want to go there again. In addition to the already mentioned lemon and vinegar a good “repellent” is cayenne pepper, which is a mild irritant to the mice, keeping them away from the area.
A mixture of isopropyl alcohol (or antiseptic alcohol) and water (1:2) can also work, but be careful not to get it on plants as it is toxic! Always wait for it to evaporate from the surface to avoid your pet licking it up (although this is unlikely due to the alarming smell, it’s better to be careful!)
The smell of ammonia, chlorine or other bleach-containing products can make cats and dogs urinate, so using these products is just fuel for the fire.
What can you do if you’re struck by a bad smell in your garden or yard? It’s not just your own livestock that can be the source of the problem, often dogs wandering by mark the door or fence which can have a strong smell that can be disturbing.
The “mixes” presented earlier are also working outdoors. In addition, you can use some bleach from the shops, which have a strong smell and usually have a disinfectant effect; make sure you use them according to the instructions on the packaging, as they can be highly toxic and polluting.
Lime, which also disinfects and deodorises, can also be used to keep the lawn tidy. Sprinkle the lime over the area to be treated, then water liberally so that the soil can absorb it.
Last but not least a few words about the root of the problem, i.e. the cause of the peeing. As we have pointed out, accidents are natural in puppies during the time of the learning, but this should stop over time! If you fail to wean your pup from doing his business in different parts of the house, or if your puppy starts “marking” again after a longer clean period, it’s time to seek professional help.
A good trainer can give you useful and personalised advice and, by thinking with you, help you to understand what’s behind the phenomenon. Maybe your dog is afraid of something or anxious that’s why he’s urinating. However a health problem can also cause trouble, so you should also consult your vet!
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