
The rabbit outsmarts the hunting dog with an incredible method – video

Mádi-Krezinger Cintia

2024. April 17 - Photo: Getty Images Hungary

It's amazing how the rabbit managed to escape from the dog with such cunning.


A big-eared rabbit found itself in a rather uncomfortable situation when a hunting dog started to pursue it. However, thanks to its astonishing presence of mind, the small animal devised such a trick to escape that we could hardly believe our eyes.

But how didn’t the dog notice the rabbit?

Upon seeing the footage, you might wonder how the dog, following the scent, didn’t notice the rabbit standing just 10 centimeters away from it in the bushes. Well, this has nothing to do with the dog’s stupidity at all. The reason is that when a hunting dog catches a scent and starts running, it focuses entirely on the trail with tunnel vision. It only pays attention to the scent ahead, and since the rabbit cleverly stopped very close to the trail, the instinct-driven, rushing dog had no chance of noticing it.

Are you interested in hunting dogs? Click here to get to know the wonderful Hungarian Vizsla!

animals Hungarian vizsla hunting dog rabbit video

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