
This is how you can enjoy spring to the fullest with your dog

Clerget-Tasi Barbara

2024. March 8 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Fortunately, the winter chill is over, when we tried to convince ourselves in heavy coats and gloves that exercising was good not only for our dog but also for us. Now, however, everything is set for truly enjoyable activities together, which don't have to be limited to daily walks.


Whether it’s a large, small, or medium-sized dog, every breed needs thorough exercise. As a dog owner, I’ve noticed that spending time actively outdoors uplifts me just as much as it does my four-legged companion, and it’s also great fun with some sports that can be pursued together with sporty dogs. Well-chosen shared adventures not only benefit the body but also further strengthen the close bond between dog and owner. We’ll show you some great activities that you can organize for your favorite!


If neither you nor your dog have serious musculoskeletal problems, then this is a truly ideal program. You don’t have to start immediately with long distances – your dog probably wouldn’t like it either – it’s enough to start with a relaxed jog, stopping now and then; this way, you can rest, and your companion can explore the scents to their heart’s content, and if they feel like it, mark every nearby bush.

Pay attention to these:

  • Gradual progression and mutual attention are important. Don’t force anything on yourself or your dog, as the goal is for both of you to enjoy your time outdoors and the time spent in movement.
  • Don’t forget the water bottles (for both you and your dog), as you’ll get thirsty faster than during a normal walk.
  • Get a hands-free leash so that your movement is symmetrical.
  • If you have a medium or large-sized dog, only run with them if they reliably listen to you: in the heat of the run, they might suddenly dash, which could cause serious injuries if you’re connected.


In spring, even those who aren’t typically avid nature enthusiasts long for the outdoors. It’s understandable, as after winter, we miss the sunshine, the gentle breeze, and it’s refreshing to see nature awakening. Plan a bigger hike for every weekend – but make sure to check beforehand how much your dog can handle, as this depends not only on breed but also on age and physical condition.

Pay attention to these:

Even though we hear about how much distress it causes a dog when you walk them on a leash in a stimulating environment like a forest, you should still keep them on a leash. Apart from the fact that the law prohibits letting dogs roam freely, you could also endanger your dog. Especially in spring, wild animals are much more active, protecting their young, so there could easily be trouble if a freely roaming dog encounters, for example, a wild boar.

Make sure to have a telescopic leash that is long enough for your dog to explore but still keeps them safe.

Don’t forget about tick and mosquito protection! If you’re not a fan of monthly tablets, get a collar or drops.

Bring enough water with you, and don’t leave home without treats.


In lot of waters, you can rent paddleboards, rowboats, and canoes. On the Danube (Hungary), for example, there are specific rowing programs for dogs, so this water sport can also be tried with a dog. You can paddle on a stable sea kayak, exploring the rich wildlife of rivers or lakes. It depends on which water sport you choose: you can opt for the less demanding but muscle-working paddleboard, or the more labor-intensive, sit-in kayak (which can be used with small-sized dogs) and canoe. If your dog loves water, they will enjoy any of these activities and might even take a swim while at it.

Pay attention to these:

  • Here, water and treats are also important.
  • Make sure to have a dog life jacket with you.
  • They might ask for your dog’s vaccination record, so bring that along too.
  • And of course, just like during any other outing or walk, don’t forget to bring dog waste bags here as well.

If you’re interested in how to safely carry out spring cleaning, you can find out from our article HERE.

hiking hiking with dog rowing running with dog sport sport with dog Spring

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