
How to show your dog you love him: 4 ways to make sure he understands

Szénási Szimonetta

2023. October 8 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Do you love your four-legged companion and want to let him know it? Here are four things that clearly show you love and care for him.


There are many ways to show your loved one how much you care. Here are four of them are as simple as they are obvious to your pet. Show your dog your love and there will be no misunderstanding!

1.) Spend as much time with him as possible

For your pet the time spent with you is the greatest treasure. That’s why, if you can, be together. Go for a long walk around the neighbourhood, throw him a ball or just sit next to him on his living room rug and scratch the base of his ear. The point is to make him feel that you are only listening to him at that moment.

And if you can, organise a special programme once a week. An exciting hiking or exploring a new park will be a great experience for your dog. Plus, the more time you spend together, the stronger the bond will be.

2) The physical and mental benefits of training

A well-tired dog is a happy dog. In addition to getting enough exercise, your four-legged friend needs to be trained. Visit a dog trainer to get your pet more specialised exercises. You’ll learn a lot from the lessons you’ll get together, and you’ll be able to put it to good use in your everyday life.

Some kind of dog sport, for example trying agility can be a great adventure. These activities are good for your dog’s body and soul.

3.) Health is the foundation


It probably goes without saying how important it is to regularly check the health of your pet. After all, the saying ‘a healthy body is a healthy soul’ applies to dogs too! In addition to veterinary check-ups, good quality food and enough walks are also very important.

At the same time, don’t forget to take care of your dog in a way that’s right for its breed! As well as looking after his coat, check it regularly for parasites such as fleas and ticks. Don’t forget the compulsory and repeat vaccinations!

4.) Surprise him with something!

Sometimes show your love for the dog with gifts. After all, just like you, your pet will be happy with the little treats! A bag of his favourite reward snack or a new toy
isn’t that big a deal, but it will let your dog know you’ve been thinking about him.

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