
Are they really dumb, lazy and sickly? 12 truths about English Bulldogs

Hrdina-Bárány Zsuzsi

2024. January 21 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Unfriendly, dumb, lazy, sickly, and unable to tolerate heat – would these really be the main characteristics of the English Bulldog? Since numerous beliefs and misconceptions circulate about this breed, we investigated the truth.


The English Bulldog is a beloved breed, so in the hope of dispelling misconceptions about these dogs, we interviewed Rita Simoncsik, owner of Kupakos English Bulldog Kennel and the president of the Hungary Bulldog Section.

We believe numerous statements to be true regarding English Bulldogs, yet, as it turns out, not all of them are accurate. Here are 12 questions and their answers from the expert.

Is it true that English Bulldogs only need moderate exercise?

True, although even if they don’t have a high need for exercise and enjoy lounging, they do love to go for walks and are happy to go on shorter hikes – just not in the summer heat. During summer, it’s better to take them for a walk in the early morning or late evening hours, but even then, not for extended periods.

English Bulldog enthusiasts cannot be deterred from their love for the breed by misconceptions.

Is it true that Bulldogs don’t have much endurance?

A healthy Bulldog’s endurance is no worse than that of another molossoid breed. Obviously, they cannot be compared to a hunting dog, but they are not bred for that purpose. Their endurance is exactly as much as is needed for their specific breeding purposes. And they are perfectly capable of fulfilling their assigned tasks and functions.

Do the wrinkles on a bulldog’s face really require special attention?

Especially in the summer heat, as the skin folds on these areas overlap, bacteria can settle and proliferate, causing a brownish discoloration.

If wiped once a day, it can be well-maintained, and once the inflammation subsides and the skin surface is healthy again, it doesn’t require any special attention.

Is it true that Bulldogs are not very social creatures?

Not at all, the Bulldog is a very friendly breed and craves human companionship. They have very sensitive souls, so they can react quite sensitively to the owner’s mood as well. They love to always be in contact with people and be close to them. It is not recommended to keep them in a rigid manner as it can greatly affect them.

English Bulldogs crave human companionship very much.

Is it true that they can be aggressive with other breeds?

The Bulldog is not an aggressive dog breed; I would rather describe it as conflict-avoidant. However, when it comes to it, it is capable of defending itself. It is rather indifferent with other dog breeds.

Is it true that Bulldogs do not need a yard or garden, they prefer to live indoors?

No, they love to be outside in the garden, especially when the sun is shining. They love to sunbathe. Of course they like to be indoors as well, they like comfort, but what breed of dog doesn’t?

Is it true that they don’t feel comfortable either in the heat or in the cold?

A Bulldog is capable of sunbathing almost to the point of fainting, even in 40-degree heat; it loves the sun and feels very comfortable in the heat. Of course, they don’t need to be exercised during such times, and providing a shaded area is essential. They are a bit more reluctant when it comes to cold weather; during winter days, they prefer to snuggle indoors where it’s warm.

Bulldogs prefer to lounge in the warmth of a home on colder days.

Is it true that bulldogs don’t even need to engage in vigorous exercise to snore or wheeze?

Snoring is a characteristic of the breed due to the short facial structure, but a healthy Bulldog, with unobstructed airways, a not overly long soft palate, and adequately wide nostrils, should not wheeze during exercise. They, like any other breed, have no respiratory defects if they are not sick.

Is it true that Bulldogs do not require much grooming due to their short fur?

True, although any bulldog living indoors is capable of shedding quite intensively throughout the year, which can be bothersome. However, frequent bathing and brushing are not recommended. Instead, just gently stroke them with a rubber glove, which helps remove excess fur.

Is it really true that Bulldogs are among the dumbest dogs?

The Bulldog is by no means a dumb dog. In fact, it very much has its head screwed on right. It’s simply a rather stubborn breed, but with love and patience, it can be easily trained. But forcing anything won’t work; it will just pull the handbrake and refuse to do anything.

The Bulldog is a stubborn dog: if we try to force something on it, it won’t give in.

Is it true that Bulldogs are most commonly born via caesarean section due to their large heads?

Lately, it has become more common to let the puppies be born naturally, especially in Scandinavian countries. The notion that puppies are born via C-section due to their large heads was more widespread in the past.

However, I believe that for breeders, this is the safer option since the English Bulldog is, after all, a more challenging dog to breed, and no one wants to risk the lives of the puppies.

It’s a much more predictable situation, even if it involves a major abdominal surgery.

Is it true that Bulldogs should not fly due to their breathing difficulties?

Many Bulldogs are flown around the world, attending events like shows, even crossing continents. A healthy, well-breathing, and – most importantly – well-tempered Bulldog will have no issues whatsoever flying on an airplane. If they get used to travelling from a young age, they will use the transport box as their little home. Whether it’s by car or plane, travelling won’t be an obstacle for them.

dog breeder dog misconceptions English bulldog

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