10 ways to avoid dog bites: you’d never guess the little things that can go wrong

2023. June 24 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary
2023. June 24 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary
Many people think that only aggressive dogs bite people. But this is wrong! It could easily be the nicest dog in the world, but you've just approached it the wrong way. Here are ten things to avoid if you want to stay out of trouble!
If you are unsure about the signals and body language of dogs, you can easily gesture that the animal misunderstands. Here are 10 things to do to avoid dog bites!
If you are a dog owner and you think you know the signs of dogs well, respect other people’s pets! Never approach anyone’s dog without asking permission. Because you don’t know how the animal will react. Whatever your good intentions, you are a stranger in his eyes.
Who else knows a dog better than its owner? So when you meet a strange dog or visit a shelter or kennel, always ask the owner about everything and never overrule him or her!
Since you don’t know the dog, you have no way of knowing what experiences it has had in the past. A gesture gone wrong or a bad approach can leave a deep mark on the animal. So always ask before you act!
We don’t assume that you greet strange dogs with kisses and hugs, but you might well like to affection a friend’s pet in this way. Although there are some four-legged friends who like close physical contact and don’t shy away from kisses, this is not the case. Rather, they experience it as an invasion of their privacy.
Especially if they also feel restricted in their movement. This is the most common reason why a dog bites. So instead, choose some other way to express your adoration. For example, pet him or play ball with him!
If something overstimulates the dog, the animal may lose control. Even an innocent but exaggerated game can easily end in a bite. Therefore, always listen to the animal’s signals so you know where the boundaries are.
Aggression here does not mean corporal punishment which, needless to say, is forbidden with dogs, or any animal! But rather those manifestations which the animal interprets as such. You should never hold a dog suddenly or too firmly, even if you are trying to prevent it from escaping. This is because anything that is unpleasant, painful or threatening to the dog is likely to be met with an aggressive response. It may even bite you.
The same if you pet it wrongly. Even if you mean well, if it hurts, it will want to defend itself. Therefore, if you notice that a touch is unpleasant for the dog, stop the movement immediately!
It often happens that you “send” a misunderstood message to the dog. If your body language can be misinterpreted, it can spoil the communication between you and the animal. Which can lead to trouble. For example, if you playfully blow into a strange dog’s face, it is almost certain that the dog will take it the wrong way and may even attack in self-defence.
Similarly, it’s not a good idea to stare at an unfamiliar animal for too long, which can also be perceived as an attack. It is not advisable to lean the dog’s back against the wall, nor to stare down at it from above. They carry a threatening message, even if you didn’t intend them to.
Look for the warning signs!
Just as most animals don’t attack without reason, most animals don’t attack suddenly. There are warning signs to take seriously. If a dog starts snarling at you, especially if it growls or barks at you, it’s probably not a joke!
Respect the dog’s personal space! Just as you don’t like it when a stranger invades your privacy, dogs are also extremely disturbed and often self-protective. Touching a strange animal suddenly is not recommended.
Never hit a dog or any animal for any reason! Aggression is the answer to aggression, it is well known, so it is not surprising that an abused dog will fight back.
Dogs sometimes get scared and go after people. If you reach out too suddenly, take their toy, disturb them while they’re eating, or wake them from their sleep, they may snap. To avoid this, always approach your four-legged friend with caution.
If the animal’s signals are clearly aggressive or indicate that it is about to attack, the smartest thing to do is to keep your cool. Don’t start running away, because the dog is sure to come after you and will almost certainly catch you.
Instead, stay still and avoid any sudden movements or close eye contact. This will make it clear to the dog that you are not a threat. When he has stopped growling and you see him calming down, you can start to move slowly. Don’t look him in the eye or turn your back on him at this point.
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