
The 7 signs your dog is feeling neglected

László Enikő

2023. June 18 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Your pet's mischief is not because he's trying to pick on you, but mostly to signal that he needs something. And that something is often your love and care.


Of course, it’s not always easy to work out what your pet wants you to know, so we’ve put together seven things dogs do to let you know that they want you to they need a bit of attention. Maybe your dog is neglected.

1.) Chewing

When a dog chews your shoes, it may seem like an annoying habit. But something is causing the behaviour. “Puppies may chew because of teething, so buy them appropriate chew toys,” advises senior vet Dr Katy Nelson.

Chewing can also be due to boredom or anxiety. In this case, your dog may need additional playtime or care.

But if anxiety is the main problem, playtime alone may not help. Dr. Nelson suggests talking to your vet to overcome the problem.

2.) Barking

Dogs bark for many reasons. They can alert you to a perceived danger, greet a person or another dog, chase a squirrel, cause distress or simply beg for your attention. If your pet’s barking is directed at other animals or people outside the home, it is probably due to territorial instinct. But if the barking is directed at you or another family member, chances are it’s trying to tell you something.

“Paying attention to dogs because they bark does not necessarily mean encouraging them to bark,” said Dr. Nelson. “If your pet is bored and needs extra playtime, giving him that can dramatically reduce the number of distracting barks.”

3.) Pawing

Pawing is a way for your dog to get attention or to start a game. Think of it as a friendly pat on the back from a particularly enthusiastic friend. “While this most often means your pet is demanding attention and affection, it can also be a sign that he is distressed or seeking comfort” – says Dr. Nelson.

How can you tell the difference? A lot of it can be traced back to your past interactions. If your dog has learned that you listen to him when he picks you with his paws, he will continue to do so because it gives him what he wants. It is also worth paying attention to his body language. Dogs communicate with their whole body and this should be taken into account when determining their mood. A shy or anxious dog is more than likely to have a tucked tail, ears pinned back and a stiff body; it may pant, drool, avoid eye contact, stutter and move away from stimuli.

4.) Whining

Whining is one way for dogs to communicate loudly. “Dogs most often whine when they are looking for attention, when they are excited, when they are anxious, or when they want to get in your mood,” says Dr. Nelson. Louder breeds (such as terriers) are more prone to whining, but all dogs can use this signal.

But you don’t necessarily have to give in to your dog’s need for attention. “Any acknowledgement of whining can reinforce this behaviour” – says the vet. “Instead, wait until the whining stops for a bit to praise the dog for being quiet, and then give him rewards and attention. It can be difficult to be more consistent than your dog is persistent, but over time your pet may learn that attention sitting quietly is more rewarding than whining.”

5.) Howling

Howling is also one of the many forms of vocal communication in dogs. “Dogs howl to announce their presence, to attract attention, and to contact others” – says the veterinarian. Some dogs also howl in response to high-pitched sounds such as singing, sirens or musical instruments. But they may also do it to get the owner’s attention.

6.) Biting

Biting can be a very worrying behaviour. Aggressive dogs will growl, bark or snarl, as well as showing their teeth and having a very tense posture. A toy bite is a different matter and a clear sign that your dog wants love, and wants it now. “If your pet nips you gently, maybe even lying down, it’s because he’s comfortable with you and it’s a sign of affection,” explains Dr Nelson.

7.) Poking

When dogs poke you with their nose or head, they are simply asking for attention. “They may ask to be stroked, scratched, walked, fed, or want to play with us” – notes Dr Nelson.

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