
This is what it means when a dog shows the “white flame”

Hangai Lilla

2023. November 11 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Depending on its size and shape, the white mark on the horse's head can be called a stripe, a star or even a blaze. The latter also appears in some dogs.


It is a characteristic of many dog breeds, the importance of which is even covered by the breed standard. But of course it can also appear in mixes. It is a mark that is particularly pleasing to the human eye. So let’s see what you should know about this special fur pattern of the head of the dog.

It was thought that the flame-like pattern of the dog’s head was more characteristic of more intelligent, more robust individuals. (Bernese Mountain Dog)

We talk a lot about how important it is to buy from responsible breeders, and if we can, we try to introduce you to such. Two litters of Bernese Mountain Dogs were born in the Jacks&Bears kennel in October, whose puppies are the offspring of award-winning parents. You can get detailed information about the little ones here.

What exactly is the “flame” fur pattern?

A white or very light shade band in the center of the dog’s forehead, bordered by darker colored fur. Its shape can vary, but most often it is relatively straight and runs from the top of the dog’s head between the eyes to the jaws.

This pattern is particularly typical for Swiss mountain dog types, such as the St. Bernard, the Bernese Mountain Dog, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog or the Appenzeller Sennenhund. But it can also be observed in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Australian Shepherd, among others.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.

Why is this a particularly common pattern in Swiss mountain type dogs?

Moreover, not only the white flame can be observed in their case, but also the tricolor fur. There are many theories to explain why this is so. According to one, these three-color markings helped people to spot dogs more easily in heavy snow.

According to another theory, farmers selectively bred this special pattern because they were both aesthetically pleasing and they believed that such puppies were more intelligent and better able to withstand the strain of the harsh and cold mountain environment.

This theory reminds us a bit of the case of tricolor, or calico cats. They were also considered to be more talented mousers. When cats were to be brought to many houses in the countryside, these animals were specifically chosen. Even we heard from grandparents that only three-colored cats can come to the house, because they are unbeatable mousers.

Appenzeller Sennenhund.

Genetics of the white spotting

In terms of genetics, white spotting is a huge topic, which we have no chance to delve into in this article. But for the sake of completeness, we will definitely give you a little taste.

These white spots or areas on the dog are caused by the S locus gene in almost all cases; in fact, a lack of pigment develops in these areas, the skin cells are unable to produce pigment. The skin turns pink and the fur white or a very light shade. The different appearance of the white color on the coat results in different, easily distinguishable patterns. These are strictly regulated by the standard in the case of many breeds. It dictates in which areas and in what proportion they can be present.

The name Irish spotting can be traced back to the white-spotted rats found in Ireland in the 20th century. It can also be observed in the Shetland Sheepdog, the Great Dane or the Australian Shepherd. A mandatory accessory is the white flame appearing on the head. The piebald pattern is also complemented in almost all cases by the white mark appearing on the head. Piebald pattern can be found in the English Bulldog, the Beagle, or the German Shorthaired Pointer, among many other popular breeds. And if we started with horses, we will finish with them; they also have the piebald pattern.

dog fur dog fur color dog fur pattern genetics Life

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