
How much sleep is normal for dogs? These are the signs if your pet is sleeping abnormally much

Szénási Szimonetta

2023. July 29 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Many owners are convinced that their dog is lazy. But he may just sleep an average amount. But there are times when it is a warning sign that your pet is sleeping through the day.


Although your furry friend is a lot like you, his sleeping habits are different from humans. This is no wonder, as they lead a significantly more active lifestyle than most owners. But exactly how much sleep do dogs get on average? Let’s see what factors play a role!

The age

The age of the animal will significantly determine how much sleep it needs during the day. Up to 20 hours of sleep a day is perfectly normal for dogs up to 12 weeks of age, even for babies. This is also essential for healthy development, as a lot of changes take place in their body every day during this period. They are also exposed to many stimuli, as the whole world is new and waiting to be discovered.

Adult dogs can be content with just 13 hours of growling. Sound like a lot? For human needs, yes – though many would argue that’s a good point – but think about it! Most four-legged friends are on the move, playing, on guard, watching every move, all day long. It’s no surprise that they get tired of it. The daily nap is usually divided into a longer night’s sleep and several shorter rests. The latter are essential for your friend to renew his energy reserves.

In old age, the number of hours slept through increases again, and it is not uncommon for older dogs to sleep for up to 18 hours. And if they suffer from a chronic illness, such as arthritis, this number can be even higher.

The weather also has an influence

In the heat of summer, especially when the heatwave arrives, people and animals alike are more languid. They also sleep more than in the cooler part of the year. Dogs prefer cooler places, such as the cold of the floor or paving, so they often nap in the bathroom or kitchen.

Breed and physical activity are also important factors

The ideal amount of sleep for your pet depends on the breed of the dog and your daily routine. On more active days, you may also find that your pet stretches his sleep time.

Stress also affects this

Like so many things, stress affects the amount and quality of sleep. You may notice that your dog sleeps more, but it may also be the opposite, that he doesn’t get enough rest.

Sound familiar? Unfortunately, people’s sleep time is often disturbed by stress and the daily worries of the day. It’s important to address the root cause in order to regularise rest time. Otherwise, abnormal sleep is detrimental to your health!

Why is it important for your dog to get enough sleep?

As well as having an impact on your pet’s health, getting the right amount of sleep also affects its mood and ability to concentrate. If he doesn’t rest, his mood will be low and he will perform worse. They may also experience stress and even depression, and may show more aggressive behaviour.

Where should the dog sleep?

Where they prefer to nap varies from dog to dog. Some dogs like to sleep their best on the floor, while others like to sleep on the sofa, or perhaps in their owner’s bed, or sometimes underneath. The reason for the latter two locations is that they can be close to you and protect you from danger when you need them. Just like the ancestors in the bevy. For sure, the ideal place is quiet, calm, not draughty and out of the sun.

Hypersomnia: if your dog sleeps too much

If you find your pet sleeping more than normal, there could be several reasons. One is the depression mentioned several times before. Boredom, anxiety and loneliness can also be triggers, as can a stimulating environment or overstimulation. If one of these causes is at the root of the problem, it needs to be helped, even by a professional dog psychologist or trainer.

In addition, physical problems can also trigger “sleeping sickness”. An injury, persistent pain or illness can also make your dog tired. If you suspect this, talk to your vet!

Lack of sleep is also a warning sign

As well as sleeping a lot, it is also a problem if the dog does not rest. The phenomenon of not being able to sleep is called hyposomnia. In this case, there can be both psychological and physical reasons for the disorder.


Your pet is also at risk of insomnia. A sign of this is that the dog is restless when he wakes up, often pees or pees a little under himself. His sleep cycle is characterised by fewer so-called deep sleeps, which is exactly what would be really relaxing.


Apnoea, or snoring, is also not uncommon in dogs, especially in so-called brachycephalic dogs, which have a pressed or flattened nose, such as Pugs or bulldogs. This is often the result of sleep deprivation and the problem is that the animal is not getting enough air while sleeping, leading to insufficient oxygen uptake.

It is very important that you consult a doctor about any abnormalities or unusual things or changes in your dog’s sleep. The vet will be able to determine the extent of the problem and whether there is anything more to be done about it. Remember, your little buddy’s health is at stake!

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