
Why is the dog lies by the door? These 4 things are the most common reasons for the behaviour

László Enikő

2023. July 14 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

If your dog often lies near the front door, you've probably wondered why. Is it trying to guard the house or is it trying to get out? Below we list the possible reasons.


In fact, there could be several reasons why your dog lies by the door, and it could be a combination of factors. However, there are a few things to consider when thinking about this issue.


This may be your pet’s way of trying to protect his family and territory. This is more likely if he sleeps specifically by the front door, and if he barks when people he doesn’t know are at the door. In this case, positive reinforcement training can help him, as it is also tiring and stressful for him to feel that he is always “on duty” and has to protect his home.

Waiting for someone

If your dog is positioned by the door while you are away, it is more likely to be because he is waiting for you. This reason is most likely if he specifically does it only when you or a family member is out of the house, and otherwise, when everyone is at home, it does not occur. This could also be a sign that he is suffering from separation anxiety, of which there are many other signs. For example, shaking, barking, destructive behaviour.

Who wants to go out

If your dog is waiting outside the door, he may be signalling that it’s time to go out! Whether it’s because he needs to defecate or because he wants to move around and explore. If your pet hasn’t drained off his excess energy that day, or has been inside for hours, this could be why he’s lying outside the door. This is especially likely in a breed that needs to move around a lot on a daily basis.

He wants extra attention

It’s possible your pet is lying outside the door to attract attention. This is especially likely if he sleeps there to prevent people from leaving during the day. In this case it would be important to teach him to sleep elsewhere. It would also help if you gave him a lot of attention during the day, either through training, exercise or play.

You think it’s a comfortable place

Ever had the urge to lie down on the floor of your tiled kitchen in the summer heat to get some relief? Your dog knows the feeling! Although our designated dog bed is filled with the softest liners, nothing beats the cooling effect of hardwood or tile floors.

By the same token, your pet may find that entrances are draftier than the rest of the house. And once he get into this habit, he’ll continue it all year round.

Things to consider

Here are some things to consider when trying to figure out why your dog is sleeping outside the door.

When will you do it?

To find the cause, it may help if you think about what else happened around the same time your dog first started this behaviour, as it may have been triggered by an event.

Some things to consider

  • If you have moved.
  • If someone else has moved away.
  • If the daily routine has changed.
  • If you started working at a different time.

It would also help to consider whether there is a certain time when you tend to lie by the door. If so, it is more likely that timing has something to do with it. For example, if he tends to lie by the door while someone is away, it is more likely that he does so because he is waiting for that person. If he does it all day, he may just be hoping to get a lot of attention. Perhaps because the weather is more pleasant. If the dog is very reactive, often barking at the entrance when someone walks past, then house guarding may be the reason for the behaviour.

behaviour dog behaviour separation anxiety strange behaviour why

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