
New Year’s resolutions that your dog can help you keep

Mádi-Krezinger Cintia

2024. January 2 - Photos: Love my Dogz; Getty Images Hungary

Are you preparing for New Year's resolutions? If you are about to establish new habits for the sake of your physical and mental well-being, don't forget about your pet's welfare either. You can tackle the challenges together! Moreover, shared activities not only benefit your health but also strengthen the bond between you two.


This will be my year – don’t you often start the new year with this mindset too? Then you make a bunch of New Year’s resolutions, and even if you manage to stick to them for a while, somehow you tend to forget about them. Lifestyle advisors often suggest choosing a companion who helps you stay on the right path. What if this companion is your most loyal friend in keeping the New Year’s resolutions this year? If you embark on the mission together, believe me, it will work!

I will eat healthier!

Almost everyone has this item on their resolution list – yet, at the first opportunity, that remaining bit of cake slips through. And the dog looks so cute, just getting a few bites during dinner – even if they’ve already had their meals.

If you’ve decided to consume more healthy food, act accordingly! For instance, eat a lot of salad – chances are your pet won’t be interested. Or if they are, since vegetables are healthy for them too, you can gladly share without worrying about unnecessary calories. However, always be mindful that only something safe for dogs goes into their mouth.

I will move more!

Many make the mistake of immediately equating regular exercise with some brutal workout. However, long walks and hikes are excellent forms of physical activity – and your pet can join you too.

If improving your physical fitness is among your resolutions for 2024, don’t forget about ensuring your dog gets an adequate amount of exercise. Depending on the breed and health condition, you may need to adjust your original plans a bit (you probably wouldn’t take an English Bulldog on an intense hiking trail), but you’ll surely find a solution that is beneficial and comfortable for both of you.

Strengthen my immune system!

Closely related to proper nutrition and regular exercise, strengthening the immune system can also be a challenge. During the winter months, most people are careful to take various vitamins, but as the weather gets better, we tend to forget about it.

However, it can be beneficial not only for you but also for your dog if you are conscious of vitamin intake throughout the year. In our article, you can find more information about why it’s important for dogs to take vitamins as well.

I am more careful about what I say and how I say it!

Improving communication is a recurring theme on most New Year’s resolution lists. Shy individuals aim to express themselves more confidently, those prone to sudden anger seek to react more calmly, and many strive for clear and open interactions.

Just as there’s room for improvement in human conversations, there’s likely room for improvement in your communication with your dog. Consider making it a resolution this year to dedicate more time and energy to better understanding your pet.

And, needless to say, it goes without saying that you should speak to your pet with kindness!

I will learn!

A good scholar continues to learn throughout their life. While we may not be scholars, it doesn’t hurt to constantly broaden our minds – and the same goes for dogs. Besides preventing and managing dementia, there are numerous other beneficial effects of providing mental stimulation for dogs.

Learn something new every month. Help your pet acquire a new trick, and challenge yourself to learn something that interests you. Or simply read a book each month. Upon successful completion, don’t forget to reward yourself and your dog for the hard work. Stock up on your dog’s favorite treats and treat yourself to something special as well.

I will be there in the moment!

In today’s fast-paced world, we tend to spend our every moment somewhere else – at least in our minds. We are constantly worrying, our thoughts wandering, and as a result, we are rarely truly present – and our dogs sense this.

For a beloved pet, there is nothing more important than time spent with their owner. However, even if you go for a walk together, if you’re on the phone, rushing somewhere, and most of your interaction consists of scolding when they do something they shouldn’t, it’s not truly quality time.

One New Year’s resolution could be to slow down a bit and allow yourself to experience the present. Something your dog will benefit from. It’s such great fun for them to finally be able to sniff a tree stump as long as they want, without being pulled away, and to be praised for it!

Let your pet go at their own pace during walks, and take the time to observe the world around you. You’ll be surprised at how much beauty you can discover, even during a city stroll, while your dog circles a fire hydrant for the twentieth time.

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