
Christmas gifts for dogs: he will not only be happy but also benefit

Szénási Szimonetta

2023. December 23 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Most owners also give their beloved dogs a gift for Christmas. We help you choose a beautiful and practical one for your pet.


More and more people consider their pets as family members. Therefore, it’s a given that dogs also receive Christmas gifts. To ensure that the gift is not useless but brings joy to the dog, we’ve made a list.

1.) Delicious snacks

Gastro gifts are very popular among people, and your pet will surely appreciate a few truly special and extra delicious treats. Just to avoid any misunderstanding, we’re not talking about fluffy pastries – especially not chocolate, which is toxic to dogs! – but rather something specifically made for them, a tasty delicacy. A pack of their favorite treats is undoubtedly a great choice!

2.) Shared Experience

It’s also a common practice to gift experiences – something you can do for your four-legged friend too! Your furry companion will surely love it if you go somewhere together. Since you know your buddy best, you can choose something that suits his personality. If he is energetic and sporty, try agility; for calmer dogs, a hiking trip might be a good idea.

A dog school can be beneficial for both of you, and it’s a win-win situation. While your dog learns and becomes more obedient, you spend quality time together.

3.) New bed

Since we’re not fans of unnecessary excess, we recommend this only if your dog truly needs a new bed. As dogs spend a good part of their day sleeping, it’s essential to have a suitable resting place for them.

Observe how your four-legged friend prefers to nap. If they typically curl up into a ball when they fall asleep, then higher-walled, cozy structures may be suitable for them, and some dogs even appreciate being covered with a blanket. On the other hand, if your dog prefers to stretch out while resting, a larger, flatter bed would be a better choice.

4.) A nice toy

We’re sure your dog has plenty of cute toys, but if there’s one in particular that he plays with a lot, consider getting them a similar one. They’ll surely be thrilled, and it might keep them occupied for the rest of the day (or even several days). A ball is also a surefire hit for most dogs.

What we do not recommend

Although various Christmas costumes may look cute in well-set photos, they can be a form of torture for dogs! As a loving owner, don’t subject your companion to various accessories, sweaters, and headbands! Besides being generally uncomfortable, some materials can cause irritation to the animal’s skin.

Furthermore, it’s essential to consider your pet as your companion, and his needs should be taken into account. Don’t force anything on him that is uncomfortable! You know, true gifts for dogs are the ones that genuinely bring them joy.

If you want to be truly prepared for the holiday to ensure a peaceful Christmas, you’ll find many useful tips in this article.

Christmas Christmas present christmas with dog holiday

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